Our aim is to bring the best out of every pupil that attends Ely St Mary's
St Mary's Christian Vision is:
To provide opportunities for all children, of all faiths and none, to be the best that they can be, in an environment where everyone is valued, respected and challenged. Our school is a place where individuals are supported in their personal journey of learning, growth and development, within an ethos of nurture, encouragement and love.
Hebrews 10:24 Let us think about each other and help each other to show love and do good deeds. Values and ethos.
As a Church of England school, we have adopted the ethos statement as follows:
Recognising its historic foundation, the school will preserve and develop its religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church of England and in partnership with the Churches at parish and diocesan level. The school aims to serve its community by providing an education of the highest quality for all faiths and none.
"A good education opens doors, transforms life chances. It leads to fulfilment, and is a gateway to opportunity. What happens in our homes, in school, in the playground, with friends, shapes our lives, develops our character and prepares us to live in our multi-dimensional society, and to contribute to it. We learn that all is possible because we matter uniquely to God.
This is what the Church of England, through its Church schools, has been providing for 200 years. We do not run faith schools. Church schools are places where children from all faiths and backgrounds, and children of all abilities are welcomed and encouraged to thrive and be happy. The Diocese of Ely Multi-Academy Trust is another extension of our promise to continue this legacy, and I am delighted that DEMAT is successfully fulfilling this role for future generations."
The Right Reverend Stephen Conway, Bishop of Ely
In order to support this statement St. Mary’s also uses the word RESPECT as a way of communicating its ethos to the whole school community as follows:
Responsibility: We will be responsible for our learning and our behaviour.
Excellence: We will strive for excellence.
Spirituality: We will open our eyes in awe and wonder at God’s creation.
Perseverance: We can achieve anything with effort, resilience and the right strategies.
Energy: We will give our best at all times: our focus, positive attention and determination to succeed.
Caring: We will care for each other, our school and the world.
Tolerance: We will celebrate our differences.
This vision and ethos is lived through the curriculum we offer our children.
At St Mary’s we champion every child to be the best that they can be. Our knowledge-led curriculum therefore endeavours to develop our children’s character, core skills, creativity and sense of community.
Supported by our school’s vision, ethos and position as a junior school, we believe that our specialist knowledge of the Key Stage 2 age range ensures improving outcomes, opportunities and experiences for all our children. To achieve this, we are aspirational for our pupils, instilling high expectations, the passion, perseverance and stamina to succeed.
All Faiths and None
At Ely St Mary’s we are proud of our Christian ethos and like to think of it as an open fire. We celebrate the education of all children from all faiths and none and invite children to sit as close to our ‘fire’ as they feel comfortable, whilst respecting the beliefs and wishes of those who wish to sit a little further away.
Collective Worship occurs daily and we invite children to respect the Christian basis of the worship. Children are invited to participate, but there is no expectation for them to do so. We do, however, have the expectation that all children will sit and listen respectfully. Parents reserve the right to remove their children from Collective Worship for religious reasons.
Prayers in school
Children are invited to say prayers at several times during the day namely during Collective Worship, Grace before we eat, and our school prayer at the end of the day. See Collective Worship on our webpage.
We have links with the magnificent Ely Cathedral, a constant source of awe and wonder, which we visit to celebrate Christmas and Easter, and to join with other schools across the Diocese in educational activities. Recently, we were fortunate in having been the Bishop of Ely’s school of choice for the launch of his Lent Challenge.
A strong bond with our partner church, St Mary’s, see pupils visiting the church for musical celebrations, and to take part in Easter CSI investigations, and families within the school community joining together in Messy Church activities at school, led by members of the Church Team. School and Church also collaborate in helping the less fortunate, through mission projects such as filling Christmas shoeboxes and, closer to home, donating produce to the Ely Food Bank. Most recently we have welcomed Team Vicar, Phil Marsh, to our school and look forward to welcoming him more frequently to join us in Collective Worship and school activities.
Statement of British Values
All pupils at DEMAT schools are strongly encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance.
At Ely St Mary’s C of E Junior School we ensure that pupils understand that, whilst different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in England are subject to its law. Our school’s ethos and teaching supports the rule of English civil and criminal law, and we do not teach anything that undermines it. When we teach about religious law, we explore the relationship between state and religious law, and ensure that pupils understand the difference between the law of the land and religious law.
We promote fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. As a community, we actively challenge opinions or behaviours in school that are contrary to fundamental British values.
We use the National Teachers’ standards and the Headteacher Standards (2017) in our appraisal of teachers and headteachers. We expect all staff to uphold public trust in the profession and maintain high ethics and behaviour, within, and outside of, school. This includes not undermining fundamental British values.
Equality Pledge
We believe in the dignity of all people, and their right to respect and equality of opportunity. We value the strength that comes with difference, and the positive contribution that diversity brings to our community.
Tel: 01353662163
Email: office@esm.school
Primary Office Contact Person:
Mrs Hannah Vitacolonna (Office Coordinator)
School Address:
High Barns
DEMAT Office Address:
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